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Adelaide Trade Directory


Which paint to use where

Which paint to use where

When it comes to painting your tiny space, it can be a little hard to know which paint to use on different areas of your project. Who knew that the walls and ceiling needed different paint? Here’s some helpful tips from the lovely Three Birds, 

Space Saving Furniture

Space Saving Furniture

When selecting furniture for your tiny house, there are three key characteristics to look for: Small, Compact & Multifunctional. Sticking to these three features will add flexibility to your tiny house. We’ve rounded up some of our favourite space-saving furniture items, and why they’re a great 

Tiny House Heating Ideas

Tiny House Heating Ideas

Most tiny homes and small spaces won’t take much energy to heat during the winter months, as they are small, confined spaces. When deciding on a heating system, the most important things to consider are efficiency, safety, cost and environmental impact. Here a few suggestions 

Bathroom tips

Bathroom tips

The bathroom is the most challenging part of designing compact living because they are still necessary even though we dont spend a great deal of time there.     Toilet Tank Basin Solutions Tap into your toilet’s tank-refilling operation and use that water to wash 

Kitchen Solutions for Small Areas

Kitchen Solutions for Small Areas

Kitchen Solutions for Small Areas If you’re looking for an alternative to a traditional kitchen for your small space, a pre-fab kitchenette is the perfect solution! Pre-fab kitchenettes are a quick and easy way to add a kitchen area to your tinyhome, whilst saving time